Rethinking Nature
Continuous slideshow at InfoLab
with the works by:
Renate Aller, Anita Allyn, Rui Delgado Alves, Regina Anzenberger, Natascha Auenhammer, Sophia Ausweger, Britta Baumann, Elisa Bernhardt, Anna Bischof, Phillipa Bloom, Elizabeth Philotera Bourne, Isabelle Boutriau, Michaela Bruckmüller, Kati Bruder, Elena Aya Bundurakis, Emanuel Cederqvist, Aakriti Chandervanshi, Julius Werner Chromecek, Maurizio Cirillo, Noemi Comi , Martijn de Vries, Matteo Delred, Julia Dorninger, Claudia Dorninger-Lehner, Carmen Eigner, Jonas Fischer, Claudia Fritz, Anita Fuchs, Sarah Gerats, Abhijeet Ghosh, Anne Glassner , Michael Goldgruber, Paul Hart, Beatriz Hasler, Peter Hellekalek, Stein Henningsen, Thelma Herzl, Julia Hitthaler, Luisa Hübner, Regina Hügli, Sabine Jelinek, Oğuz Karakütük, Alek Kawka, Barbara Kenedi, Mathias Kessler, Seulki Ki, Bettina Koller, Genoveva Kriechbaum, Elena Kristofor, Calin Kruse, Claire Laude, Belinda Lawley, Eduardo Leal, Wolfgang Lehrner, Pietro Lo Casto, Catherine Ludwig, Leonardo Magrelli, Sonia Mangiapane, Javier Martínez, Mark Martinko, Pavel Matousek, Sissa Micheli, Martina Mikulka, Claudia Milena, Charlie Morris, Yola Moschitz, Sana Murad, Franziska Nagelová, Michaela Nagyidaiova, Maria Oliveira, Simon Parec, Benedikt Partenheimer, Isabelle Pateer, Johannes Plate, Marta Pohlmann-Kryszkiewicz, Ligia Popławska, Herwig Prammer, Kaveer Rai, Nazanin Raissi, Bärbel Reinhard, Simona Reisch, Francisco Ricarte, Peter Rieser, Massimiliano Rossetto, Georg Rothmann, Kai Ruhland, Ioanna Sakellaraki, Marie Sauerhöfer, Liddy Scheffknecht, Michelle Schmollgruber, Anna Siggelkow, Nicole Six und Paul Petritsch, Jakob Sohm İrem Sözen, Laura Sperl, Rudolf Strobl, Kenan Šutković, Ahmad Tahmasi, Wie-yi Takasaki-Lauw, Aram Tanis, Merve Terzi, Giulia Turro, Robert Vanis , Cristiano Volk, Alice von Alten, Vanja Vukovic, Linda Zechmeister, Alexandra Zedtwitz, Sula Zimmerberger / Kunstraum flat1
Concept and editing: Verena Kaspar-Eisert, FOTO WIENMusic: David GeretschlägerGuitar: Michael WittnerAnimation: Peter Koger
Beginning this year, the photo festivals of Vienna (Foto Wien), Luxembourg (Emoplux) and Lisbon (Imago Lisboa) initiated an international call for entries on the topic of Rethinking Nature. Out of 168 entries from 74 countries, the board selected 110 artists and a slideshow was produced containing images which convincingly demonstrate the importance of photography in relation to the topic of Man and Nature. The Rethinking Nature slideshow assembles a large variety of points of view on nature that illustrate, filter, and analyse the present ambiguity of our vision - part sentimental dwelling in nostalgic contemplation, part illustration of destruction and exploitation of the environment.
The distance which the artistic translation cannot avoid to put between us and the subject requires that we reconsider the multiple meanings of nature. Putting things at a certain distance has the potential to bring about a large scope of different points of views concerning landscape photography. The selected images cover a broad spectrum of artistic thinking that goes from philosophical meditation to concept, from document to new romanticism. The compilation of different positions, combined with the music composed for this slideshow in particular provides an audiovisual experience with multiple facets that explore the very personal relations we have with nature.