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Hyena Opera

Ásta Fanney Sigurðardóttir

In her newest performance, Ásta stages her texts from recent books Forevernoon and its secret spin off, Hyena called yesterday, as a transitional performance that shifts from a poetry reading to a ceremonial concert, from a play to a sound poem. Its transmogrifying nature leaves the viewer both gaping at awe and grasping for air in a turmoil of overflowing information from a Hyena that laughs at you. It is both a teenager at the mall and a mysterious oracle speaking to us in riddles, weaving deep truths with nonsense and delivering it in all formats possible. 
Is it a sweet dream, a doomsday fairytale, a collection of poems that carelessly swirl language into abstraction, or a libretto of an unstaged dramatic musical? It is hard to say. The only thing we can say for sure is that “Moonlight is milk for night cats.”

Photo courtesy of the artist



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