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Singularity42! When Artificial becomes our new nature

A conference with Dr. Thibaud Latour (Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technologies – LIST, AI&Art Pavilion, Esch2022)

Followed by a panel discussion with Lynn Klemmer, Mnemozine; Robert Frankle, participating artist in the AI&Art Pavilion project in the context of Esch2022; Max Gindt, Digital Luxembourg

Presentation by Michel Delage, journalist at radio 100,7

Singularity is the tipping point where relationships between variables cease to be deterministic, unleashing an infinite number of possible unpredictable futures with no return or escape path. Our entire individual and collective lives are full of singularities of all kinds. Some of them we are confronted with directly; others we come across consciously or unconsciously, actively or passively. 

AI with its embodiment in artificial life potentially leads to singularities. What are the consequences? Can it be and will it be?  Will artificial be our new nature? How are the stakes in art? 

The process being nondeterministic, no clear answer can be given. However, a number of informed questions will help us give beginnings of an answer.  

Thibaud Latour is Head of Outreach and EU Affairs at the Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technologies (LIST). He holds a PhD in Theoretical Computer Chemical-Physics and explored various aspects of computer representation, exploitation and communication of knowledge between humans and machines during his research career at LIST, while pursuing independently parallel artistic activities in theatre, music, and more recently digital art. He is part of the “AI&Art Pavilion” project of the University of Luxembourg co-funded by the ESCH 2022 European Culture Capital. 

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KAY Restaurant will be open for drinks or dinner. Booking requested by phone (+352 621 35 50 16) or online.

Am I AI? Into the deep of AI



Radio 100,7, SCRIPT, Mnemozine