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Conter le son

Equipped with audio recorders, the children create the soundscape for a collaborative audio book. How can we reproduce the whisper of the wind in the leaves, how do footsteps sound on the asphalt or raindrops on the roof? The children try out a wide variety of materials to tell their story. 

Kids 6 - 12 years

Luxembourg Art Week

Participation: 6 € / free with KLIK-Kaart or Kulturpass



Conter le son

6 € / gratuit avec /free with / gratis mit der KLIK-Kaart + Kulturpass
à régler sur place / to be paid at the reception / vor Ort zahlen

Holders of the KLIK-Kaart or the Kulturpass: Your card will be asked at the reception desk.

You need to be logged in to book tickets with your KLIK-Kaart / Kulturpass
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