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Casino Display



A place of work, of research, of exchanges and orientation, with the aim of encouraging and supporting young creatives. The programme at Casino Display is arranged by Casino Luxembourg – Forum d’art contemporain.

By agreement with the Ministry of Culture and with the aim of expanding its reach, from February 2021 Casino Luxembourg has taken over managing the programme for the Konschthaus Beim Engel gallery, now known as Casino Display.

In the absence of art schools in Luxembourg and of relatively institutionalised contemporary art, it was vital to create a platform aimed at promoting the freshest creativity and of supporting the young creatives of today and tomorrow.

One of the roles of Casino Display will be to offer orientation for young people, enabling them to familiarise themselves more easily with the range of creative courses on offer in art schools and the variety of opportunities out there. With this in mind, the Casino Display programme particularly envisages encouraging cross-fertilisation between practices and interdisciplinary encounters.

In parallel with this, a talent search will be undertaken throughout the year in the four schools of art with which Casino Luxembourg has forged partnerships (ÉSAL – École supérieure d’art de Lorraine, Metz/Épinal; ENSAD – École nationale supérieure d’art et de design, Nancy; HEAR – Haute École des arts du Rhin, Strasbourg/Mulhouse; HBKsaar – Hochschule der Bildenden Künste Saar, Saarbrücken). This talent search and dialogue will be conducted with, at its heart, the possibility for the selected students to exhibit at Casino Display.


Photo : Casino Luxembourg

Based on a practice-led approach to knowledge production, Casino Display will become a transdisciplinary meeting point where a selected group of art students can rely on the logic of experimentation for the emergence of unchartered knowledge. Students will have the possibility to think with and experiment along professionals of the art world, whilst proposing a space for trying out unfinished ideas, probing freshly sketched concepts, or reversing solid ontologies in favour of more flexible ones. In short, the goal is to create a space where the drive for experimentation encourages knowledge.   


Thursday 28.03.2024, 17:00 – 19:00
Critical Raw Cartographies 
Open door on the research unit in collaboration with Jeff Diamanti (University of Amsterdam) and the Netherlands Institute for Cultural Analysis

Past research labs

September 2023 – February 2024
Milieus of [Fictions] in Milieus
Group exhibition with Agnieszka Antkowiak, Emma Dupré, Seohyeon Kim, Maitiú Mac Cárthaigh, Alexis Puget, Josefina Sundblad
Curator: Charles Rouleau

September 2022 – February 2023
Experimental Re(é)[flex|ct|ion] Expérimentale
Group exhibition with  Erick Fowler, Ludovic Hadjeras, Uriel Ladino, Nguyen Phuong Thao, Katja Pilisi, Razan Sabbagh
+ publication available in our eshop
Curator: Charles Rouleau

28.01.2022 – 27.02.2022
Woven in Vegetal Fabric: On Plant Becomings
Group exhibition with Leonie Brandner, Catherine Duboutay, Carlos Molina
+ publication available in our eshop
Artist-curator: Charles Rouleau

Artist residencies

ludovic hadjeras, Waiting for foxes, 2022. Photo : Tom Janssen

Casino Display also offers a six-month artist residency. It is part of the natural evolution and continuous development of the residency programme that Casino Luxembourg has pursued since 2010. The residency at Casino Display is primarily intended as a time of research and dialogue. The outcome of the residency can be an exhibition, but in essence, no finished results are obligatory.

04.03 – 04.08.2024: ludovic hadjeras

ludovic hadjeras (born in France in 1996) is a visual artist whose work addresses identity-related issues through the relationships between humans and non-humans. In his practice, he focuses on the spaces occupied by other animals by seeking contact and sometimes collaborating with them. Living between Amsterdam and Algiers, his movements and the encounters to which they give rise are reflected in his work, which takes the form of installations, sculptures, videos and texts.  

ludovic hadjeras took part in the artistic research laboratory Experimental Re(é)[flex|ct|ion] Expérimentale at Casino Display in 2022. In 2019, the artist was part of the group of students from the Haute École des arts du Rhin (HEAR) who organised the exhibition caméra silex patates germées. There he presented the performance Le loup ne peut guetter la lune qu'en sortant de la forêt.

Past residencies


Emma Dupré – «««« DOCUMENTAIRE ANIMALIER »»»» 
School residency and exhibition in collaboration with the Lycée des Art et Métiers
Pilot project supported by Fondation Sommer


Océane Muller – Rivage Confondu
Curator: Charles Rouleau


Lynn Klemmer: WHAT FIRES TOGETHER WIRES TOGETHER / I Will Not Return to a Universe of Objects That Don't Know Each Other 
Curator: Nadina Faljic


Andrea Mancini – New Age Landscape
Resident curator: Nadina Faljic, co-curated by Christine Walentiny

Sticky Flames. Bodies, Objects and Affects
exposition collective avec Alexandre Caretti, Ksenia Khmelnitskaya, Darja Linder, Jonathan Maus, Bruno Oliveira
Resident curator: Nadina Faljic, co-curated by Mnemozine

Partner schools

École nationale supérieure d’art et de design, Nancy

Hochschule der Bildenden Künste Saar, Saarbrücken

Haute École des arts du Rhin, Strasbourg/Mulhouse

École supérieure d’art de Lorraine, Metz/Épinal


Casino Display
1, rue de la Loge
L-1945 Luxembourg

(+352) 22 50 45

Visites sur rendez-vous