« Scol'art » programme
Casino Luxembourg offers a mediation/visit programme aimed at school groups in basic, secondary and higher education, as well as relay houses and school foyers. It aims to develop a critical sense and observation, to open the discussion on the different forms of creation and their relationship to the current world.
The mediation team looks forward to welcoming you to two dynamic and innovative exhibitions. Eva L'Hoest's The Mindful Hand* is her first solo institutional exhibition at Casino Luxembourg. The Belgian artist uses digital language as an archaeological tool to question notions of origin and memory. Combining sculptures, performances and audiovisual installations, she explores the way in which collective and individual mental images can be reactivated and reanimated in technological forms.
Boogie,, an evolving experience has also welcomed new works and reflections that we would like to share with you.
*Warning: The installation in the last room of the exhibition contains stroboscopic effects. Please let us know if there are any sensitivities to be respected. The last room may be excluded from the visit if necessary or shown in a modified form.
Guided tours
Guided tours can take several forms: visits in the company of an exhibition guide, around the history of the Casino, discussion of contemporary art or other topics.
Tailor-made workshops
These are workshops directly linked to the current exhibition. After the guided tour, the participants carry out specific projects under the supervision of a mediator.
Permanent workshops
Accessible all year round and independent of temporary exhibitions, these workshops are inspired by the permanent works of the Casino.

In addition to the art mediation/visits offered at Casino Luxembourg, it is possible to organise workshops, educational projects or guided tours adapted to the school curriculum or to the subjects discussed in class. These projects and creative works can span several sessions, depending on your availability and needs.
Intra and extra muros collaborations
Do you have an idea for a specific workshop, a particular request for your class, or the desire to create your tailor-made project? Do not hesitate to submit them to us! Our team is always looking for new projects and collaborations. Based on exchange and transdisciplinarity, these projects can extend over several sessions and adapt to the school curriculum.
Continuing education for teaching staff
All training and master classes for teaching staff are approved by the Institut de formation de l’éducation nationale (IFEN).
Creative trades fair for secondary and higher education students.
Day of discovery and encounter with contemporary art, dedicated to students of basic education.

Basic and secondary education
Together we will explore the creation of abstract landscapes inspired by dreams, memories and fantastical spaces. Using simple materials such as tracing paper, paints and shapes, layers will be created and superimposed to create the sequences imagined by the participants. In the next stage, these sequences will come to life.
Dancing Frames
Basic and secondary education
Students will explore the poetic world of artist Eva L'Hoest using the stop motion technique. They will work on the themes of memory, movement and transformation to create unique visual narratives, frame by frame.
Pressed and cast
Basic and secondary education
Students will explore the artistic practice of moulding. Using small objects reminiscent of the artist's sculptural works, they will print these objects in modelling clay. These moulds will then be used to produce their plaster sculptures.
Secondary education
Students will discover the exhibition through short, fun drawing exercises. This activity invites participants to explore the themes of memory, gesture and perception through careful observation and creation.
Boogie Beats
Secondary and higher education
Inspired by the experimental exhibition Boogie, children will transform sounds and rhythms into images on leporellos (leaflets). By listening to the music, they will discover how sound can guide them in creating the shape, folds and colours of their leporello.
Kunst und Gebärden
Grund- und Sekundarschule
Sensibilisierungskurs in Deutscher Gebärdensprache (DGS) für Schulklassen
Sprache: Deutsch und Deutsche Gebärdensprache
Für die Dauer der Ausstellung Boogie, bieten das Casino Luxembourg und das Centre de Logopédie Luxembourg zweimal im Monat Sensibilisierungskurse in Gebärdensprache für Schulklassen an. Dabei erhalten die Schüler*innen über ca. 90 Minuten einen Einblick in grundlegende Aspekte der Gebärdensprache und entdecken, wie diese Sprache die Kommunikation, den Alltag sowie die Kunstpraxis von gehörlosen Menschen prägt.Ausgehend von einem Werk der Künstlerin Christine Sun Kim (Boogie,), die in ihrer Kunst über Gehörlosigkeit und Kommunikation reflektiert, sind Schüler*innen aller Altersstufen
herzlich eingeladen, im Casino Luxembourg einen praktischen Einblick in die Gebärdensprache zu erlangen.
Workshopleiter*innen: Christian Wagner, Fachperson für DGS; Véronique Steinmetz, Dolmetscherin für DGS, sowie den Kunstvermittler*innen des Casino Luxembourg.
- Dienstag 4. Februar von 13 bis 14.30 Uhr
- Freitag, 7. Februar, zwischen 10.30 und 16 Uhr (auf Anfrage)
- Dienstag 18. März, von 13 bis 14.30 Uhr
- Freitag 21. März, zwischen 10.30 und 16 Uhr (auf Anfrage)
- Dienstag 1. April, von 13 bis 14.30 Uhr
- Freitag 4. April, zwischen 10.30 und 16 Uhr (auf Anfrage)
Tours and workshops are available Monday to Friday from 8.00 to 18.00.
Duration: visits between 45 and 60 minutes, visits + workshop between 90 and 120 min.
Please include the following information when booking:
- name of school
- class/cycle/section
- names of teachers / supervisors
- age of pupils - language required (LU, FR, DE, EN)
- number of pupils/students
- time of day and time available on site
- any special needs
- your telephone number
Prices :
- Basic education, maisons relais, crèches and schools abroad: €50/hour
- Luxembourg secondary education: free
Tailor-made workshops adapted to your needs can be offered on request.
Accessibility note: For wheelchair users, the entrance to the ground floor of Casino Luxembourg is at 7, boulevard F. Roosevelt. The first floor is not accessible by lift.