Sacrificing the Spectres of History
A lecture by Dr. Joseph Cohen, Associate Professor of Philosophy at the School of Philosophy, University College Dublin; co-founder of Les Rencontres Philosophiques de Monaco
Presented by Mathieu Buchler, Menemozine
Our lecture will focus on the intricate and complex relationship between sacrifice and history. We will see emerge from this confrontation a novel manner of thinking the singularity of historical events and indeed of reformulating what is meant by temporality and alterity, commemoration and forgiveness, truth and justice. The lecture will, in this sense, propose original considerations on the incessant return of historical events in our present lived experience and further reflections on how to face our future.
Joseph Cohen is Professor of Philosophy at University College Dublin (Ireland). He has authored Le spectre juif de Hegel (Paris, Galilée, 2005), Le sacrifice de Hegel (Paris, Galilée, 2007), Alternances de la métaphysique. Essais sur E. Levinas (Paris, Galilée, 2009) and co-authored, with D. Moran, The Husserl Dictionary (London, Bloomsbury-Continuum, 2012). He has also co-authored, with R. Zagury-Orly, L’adversaire privilégié. Heidegger, les Juifs et nous, (Paris, Galilée, 2021). He has co-edited, with R. Zagury-Orly, Heidegger et « les juifs » (Paris, Grasset, 2015), Heidegger. Qu’appelle-t-on le lieu? (Paris, Gallimard, 2008), Derrida. L’événement déconstruction (Paris, Gallimard, 2012) and Judéités – questions pour Jacques Derrida (Paris, Galilée, 2003).
He is the Founder and Lead Project Investigator of “Jewish Thought and Contemporary Philosophy” at the Newman Centre for the Study of Religions, University College Dublin.
Exploring the In-Between
Exploring the In-Between:
Haunting Ghosts, Fantasies, Emotions, Memory and Memes
Transition marks a state which is always incomplete, stretched between different ends, suspended like a restless spectral figure.
However, such a state is also one where the dice have not yet rolled, where surprise still has a chance to overwhelm our expectations. To think within the "in-between" thus also renders possible a renewed appreciation of ambiguity and indecision and, perhaps, offers a space to form unanticipated apertures.
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