Experimental Re(é)[flex|ct|ion] Expérimentale
Closing exhibition of the artistic research laboratory Experimental Re(é)[flex|ct|ion] Expérimentale
VENUE: Casino Display, 1, rue de la Loge, L-1945 Luxembourg
Experimental Re(é)[flex|ct|ion] Expérimentale presents the results of the research projects developed by the participants of the first edition of the Artistic Research Lab at Casino Display. They propose a constellation of topics, all linked to the importance of experimentation in their practices. Guided by their desire to destabilise and question constraints, and by the discussions they had during the three weeks of on-site research, they present works resulting from experimentations around the concepts of community, uncertainty, resistance, hybridity, preconceived expectation, movement, and alternative.
The exhibition explores how this group of young artists and curator used the Casino Display space to elaborate unfinished ideas, probe freshly sketched concepts, or subvert and challenge ontologies. The exhibition shows, how the experimentation can be a means.
Photo: Nguyen Phuong Thao, Concerning noodle soups,, 2023. © Casino Display
Experimental Re(é)[flex|ct|ion] Expérimentale
Casino Display
14:00 – 18:00
More dates:
From 09 to 11.02.23 : 14:00 – 18:00
and by appointment
Free admission