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Found in Translation, Chapter L

Lara Almarcegui, Juan Arata, Wojciech Bakowski, Pierre Bismuth, Aline Bouvy & John Gillis, Lucia Bru, Liudvikas Buklys, B-1010 be-DIX_TIEN, Francisco Camacho, Ludovic Chemarin ©, Koenraad Dedobbeleer, Edith Dekyndt, Simona Denicolai & Ivo Provoost, Agnès Geoffray, gerlach en koop, Jos de Gruyter & Harald Thys, Sofie Haesaerts, Saskia Holmkvist, Hedwig Houben, Ann Veronica Janssens, Eleni Kamma, Ermias Kifleyesus, Gabriel Kuri, Adrien Gary Lucca, Jani Ruscica, Robert Suermondt, Simon Starling, Pieter Vermeersch, VVORK, Freek Wambacq

The exhibition, Found in Translation – Chapter L, presented from 1 October 2011 to 8 January 2012, played with the various meanings of the word, “translation”.

Exhibition trailers
