Seamus Farrell – 5 Rooms, 5 Stories, 5 Problems and a Hallway

This artist’s book is an account of Seamus Farrell’s work, which is built up in visual and cultural layers that are superimposed and then indissolubly interwoven. He constantly confronts the complex reality of the world around him, making visible, in his own way, sometimes unsuspected layers. This back and forth between art and life is reflected, among other things, in the use or recovery of objects of all kinds, often banal or modest, which he transforms into small visual treasures, rich in meaning and references. Beyond the social, political, philosophical and other questions that each of Seamus Farrell's proposals raises, there is also the work on light, the body and movement.
French; trans. English and Luxemburgish
Fiona Biggiero and Enrico Lunghi
5 Rooms, 5 Stories, 5 Problems and a Hallway
17.07 – 18.09.2005
82 p. + poster, colour ill;
21×30 cm
Seamus Farrell with Arnaud Mouriamé, Luxembourg
Published by
Casino Luxembourg – Forum d’art contemporain, Luxembourg, June 2006
ISBN 2-912688-63-7