Re:location 1-7 / Shake

A catalogue which, through the texts of the curators, the presentations of the exhibitions Re:Location 1-7 in seven art centres around Europe and preliminary comments on the Shake and Shake Night projects, traces the adventure of an ambitious programme of bilateral exchanges between European artists and art centres supported by the European Union’s Culture 2000 programme.
Artists: Decosterd & Rahm, Simona Denicolai & Ivo Provoost, Jason Dodge, Juraj Dudaš, Jaroslaw Flicinski, Jerry Frantz & Dany Prum, Fabrice Gygi, Pierre Malphettes, Herr Mario, Yvette Martini, Nicoleta Mocanu, Petra Mrzyk & Jean-Francois Moriceau, Barbara Musil, Cosmin Pop, Ella Raidel, Markus Seidl, Monika Sosnowska, Emoke Vargova, Vera Weisgerber
Catalogue in 2 volumes bound together with Velcro fasteners.
Vol. 1
English; introductory text in English, German, French, Polish, Slovak and Romanian
Adam Budak, Cosmin Costinas, Zoran Eric, Laurence Gateau, Viera Janceková, Enrico Lunghi, Catherine Macchi de Vilhena, Claude Moyen, Heike Munder, Joanna Mytkowska, Philippe Rahm, Maria Rus Bojan, Bettina Steinbrügge, Martin Sturm, Vitus H. Weh
Re:Location 1-7: Re:1
09.03 – 09.06.2002/
29.06 – 31.08.2002
Re:2 Cluj/Linz
15.07 – 05.08.2003/
10.10 – 09.11.2003
Re:3 Zurich/Gdansk
22.03 – 25.05.2003/
11.07 – 07.09.2003
Re:4 Cluj/Luxembourg
7.05 – 15.05.2003/
5.07 – 21.09.2003
Re:5 Linz/Trnava
10.10 – 09.11.2003/
09.12.2003 – 01.02.2004
Re:6 Nice/ Gdansk
14.11.2003 – 11.01.2004/
12.03 – 12.04.2004
Re:7 Nice
29.10.2004 – 12.01.2005
124 p., col. ill. & b/w ; 27 × 18
cm; biogr. (selected), bibl iogr. (selected)
Cropmark, Luxembourg
Casino Luxembourg, Centrul International pentru Arta Contemporana & Muzeul National de Arta Contemporana (Bucharest), Fundatia ArtStudio (Cluj), Centrum Sztuki Wspólczesnej Laznia (Gdansk), Galéria Jána Koniarka (Trnava), Halle für Kunst (Lüneburg), migros museum für gegenwartskunst
(Zurich), O.K Centrum für Gegenwartskunst (Linz) and Villa Arson – Centre National d’Art Contemporain (Nice), May 2004
ISBN 2-919893-48-3
Vol. 2
Catalogue with comments on the various artistic projects carried out within the framework of the Re:Location 1-7 / Shake project. A DVD at the end of the catalogue presents the entire Shake Night, orchestrated live from Luxembourg and broadcast simultaneously in all the art centres involved in the project.
Artists: Adel Abdessemed, Dennis Adams, Saadane Afif, Halil Altindere, Fernando Alvim, Art & Language, Kader Attia, Azorro, Stephane Berard, Daniel Blaufuks, Irina Botea, Pavel Braila, Candice Breitz, Christoph Buchel, Jota Castro, Hsia-Fei Chang, Won Hoy Cheong, Annelise Coste, Alexandra Croitoru, Minerva Cuevas, Oskar Dawicki, Simone Decker, Roman Dziadkiewicz, Volker Eichelmann &
Jonathan Faiers & Roland Rust, Esra Ersen, Jon Mikel Euba, Eva & Adele, Harum Farocki, Joao Paulo
Feliciano, Angela Ferreira, Antonio Gallego, Ghazel, Teodor Graur, Jens Haaning, Andreas Helbing & Zeljka Marusic, Robert Jelinek - State of Sabotage, Tellervo Kalleinen, Charlotte Karlsson, Mihaela
Kavdanska, Grzegorz Klaman, Sandra Kogut, Aurelio Kopainig, Miodrag Krkobabic, Felix Kubin, Andreja Kuluncic, Dominik Lejman, Marysia Lewandowska & Neil Cummings, Dorit Margreiter, Ciprian Muresan, Oliver Musovik, Vlad Nanca, Tanja Ostojic, Anny & Sibel Ozturk, Cristian Pogacean, Lisl Ponger, PuBLIC CoMMISSION #2, Rassim, Isa Riedl, Mia Rosasco, Julian Rosefeldt, Robert Rumas, Oliver Sadovsky & Matus Vallo, Juan Esteban Sandoval, Tim Sharp, Erzen Shkololli, Janek Simon, Ross Sinclair, Miguel Soares, Social Impact, Veronika Sramatyova, Stalker, Niek van de Steeg, Grzegorz Sztwiertnia, Time’s Up, Milan Tittel, Milica Tomic, Roi Vaara, Ben Vautier, Luca Vitone, Andro Wekuo, Stephen Willats, Julita Wojcik, Piotr Wyrzykowski a.k.a. Peter Style, Jun Yang
English; introductory text in English, German, French, Polish, Slovak and Romanian
Nada Beroš, Adam Budak, Sebastian Cichocki, Irina Cios, Zoran Eric, Gilles Deleuze, Laurence Gateau, Sören Grammel, Lucia Gregorová, Hakan Gürses, Christian Höller, Viera Janceková, Migjen Kelmendi, Enrico Lunghi, Gerald Matt, Heike Munder, Schener Ozmen, Genoveva Rückert, Maria Rus Bojan, Rolf Sachsse, Bettina Steinbrügge, Martin Sturm
Re:Location 1-7 / Shake
SHAKE Zurich/Belgrade/ Luneburg
15.05 – 11.07.2004
SHAKE Linz & Nice
28.05 – 25.07.2004 & 03.07 – 10.10.2004
SHAKE Bucarest
05.06 – 25.07.2004
SHAKE Luxembourg : Re:Location Academy
19.06 – 25.07.2004;
Shake Society
31.07 – 26.09.2004;
SHAKE Gdansk
26.06 – 15.08.2004
176 p., ill. & b/w ; 27×18 cm;
biogr. (selected), bibliogr. (selected)
DVD with the complete broadcast of Shake Night (09.07.2004) by RTL Télé Luxembourg
Cropmark, Luxembourg
Casino Luxembourg, Centrul International pentru Arta Contemporana & Muzeul National de Arta
Contemporana (Bucharest), Fundatia ArtStudio (Cluj), Centrum Sztuki Wspólczesnej Laznia (Gdansk), Galéria Jána Koniarka (Trnava), Halle für Kunst (Lüneburg), migros museum für gegenwartskunst (Zürich), O.K Centrum für Gegenwartskunst (Linz) and Villa Arson – Centre National d’Art Contemporain (Nice), November 2004
ISBN 2-919893-49-1